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Castrellon, J. J., Seaman, K. L., Crawford, J. L., Young, J. S., Smith, C. T., Dang, L. C., Hsu, M., Cowan, R.L., Zald, D.H., & Samanez-Larkin, G. R. (2019). Individual differences in dopamine are associated with reward discounting in clinical groups but not in healthy adults. Journal of Neuroscience39(2), 321-332. pdf

Kim, J. U., Weisenbach, S. L., & Zald, D. H. (2019). Ventral prefrontal cortex and emotion regulation in aging: A case for utilizing transcranial magnetic stimulation. 
International journal of geriatric psychiatry34(2), 215-222. pdf


Camalier, C.R., McHugo, M., Zald, D.H., Neimat, J.S. (2018) The Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy on Fear-Related Capture of Attention in Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor: A Comparison to Healthy Individuals.
Journal of Neurological Disorders, 6(1), 377-92. pdf

Heritage, A.J., Long, L.J., Woodman, G.F., Zald, D.H., (2018) Personality correlates of individual differences in the recruitment of cognitive mechanisms when rewards are at stake.
Psychophysiology, 55(2), 1-13. pdf

Hinton, K.E., Layhey, B.B., Villalta-Gil, V., Boyd, B.D., Yvernault, B.C., Werts, K.B., Plassard, A.J., Applegate, B., Woodward, N.D., Landman, B.A., Zald, D.H. (2018) Right Fronto-Subcortical White Matter Microstructure Predicts Cognitive Control Ability on the Go/No-go Task in a Community Sample.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12:127. pdf

Hinton, K., Dang, L., Meyer, F., Villalta-Gil, V., Ganesh, S., Burgess, L., Woodward, N. Landman, B., Lahey, B., Zald, D. (2018) Latent Factors of Psychopathology and Functional Connectivity of the Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex During Reward Anticipation.
Biological Psychiatry, 83(9), S269-70. pdf

Hopwood, C.J., Kotov, R., Krueger, R.F., Watson, D., Widiger, T.A., Althoff, R.R., Ansell, E.B., Bach, B., Bagby, M.R., Blais, M.A., Bornovalova,M.A., Chmeilewski, M., Cicero, D.C., Conway, C., De Clercq, B., De Fruyt, F., Docherty, A.R., Eaton, N.R., Edens, J.F., Forbes, M.K., Forbush, K.T., Hengarner, M.P., Ivanova, M.Y., Leising, D., Livesley, W.J., Lukowitsky, M.R., Lynam, D.R., Markon, K.E., Miller, J.D., Morey, L.C., Mullins-Sweatt, S.N., Ormel, J.H., Patrick, C.J., Pincus, A.L., Ruggero, C., Samuel, D.B., Sellbom, M., Slade, T., Tackett, J.L., Thomas, K.M., Trull, T.J., Vachon, D.D., Waldman, I.D., Waszczuk, M.A., Waugh, M.H., Wright, A.G.C., Yalch, m.M., Zald, D.H., Zimmerman, J. (2018). The time has come for dimensional personality disorder diagnosis.
Personality and Mental Health, 12(1), 82-6. pdf

Krueger, R. F., Kotov, R., Watson, D., Forbes, M. K., Eaton, N. R., Ruggero, C. J., ... & Bagby, R. M. (2018). Progress in achieving quantitative classification of psychopathology. World Psychiatry17(3), 282-293. pdf

Lahey, B. B., Class, Q. A., Zald, D. H., Rathouz, P. J., Applegate, B., & Waldman, I. D. (2018). Prospective test of the developmental propensity model of antisocial behavior: from childhood and adolescence into early adulthood. 
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry59(6), 676-683. pdf

Petersen, K., Van Wouwe, N.V., Stark, A., Lin, Y.C., Kang, H., Diza, T., Kessler, R., Zald, D., Donahue, M.J., Classen, D.O. (2018) Ventral Stratal Network Connectivity Reflects Reward Learning and Behavior in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease.
Human Brain Mapping, 39, 509-21. pdf

Seaman, K.L., Brooks, N., Karrer, T.M., Castrelon, J.J., Perkins, S.F., Dang, L.C., Hsu, M. Zald, D.H., Samanez-Larkin, G.R. (2018) Subjective value representations during effort, probability and time discounting across adulthood.
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 1-11. pdf

Stark, A.,J., Smith, C.T., Lin, Y.C., Petersen, K.J., Trujillo, P., van Wouwe, N.C., Kang, H., Donahue, M.J., Kessler, R.M., Zald, D.H., Classen, D.O. (2018) Nigrostriatal and Mesolimbic D2/3 Receptor Expression in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Compulsive Reward-Driven Behaviors.
Journal of Neuroscience, 38(13), 3230-9. pdf

Stark, A.J., Smith, C.T., Petersen, K.J., Trujillo, P., van Wouwe, N.C., Donahue, M.J., Kessler, R.M., Deutch, A.Y., Zald, D.H., Classen, D.O. (2018) [18F]fallypride characterization of stratal and extrastriatal D2/3 receptors in Parkins’s diesase.
NeuroImage: Clinical, 18, 433-42. pdf


Classen, D.O., Stark, A.J., Spears, C.A., Peterson, K.J., van Wouwe, N.C., Kessler, R.M., Zald, D.H., Donahue, M.J. (2017) Mesocortocolimbic hemodynamic response in Parkinson’s disease patients with compulsive behaviors.
Movement Disorders, 32(110), 1574-83. pdf

Dang, L.C., Castrellon, J.J., Perkins, S.F., Le, N.T., Cowan, R.L., Zald, D.Ha., Samanez-Larkin, G.R. (2017) Reduced effects of age on dopamine D2 receptor levels in physically active adults.
NeuroImage, 148(1), 123-129. pdf

Dang, L.C., Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Smith, C.T., Castrellon, J.J., Perkins, S.F., Cowan, R.L., Claassen, D.O., Zald, D.H. (2017) FTO affects food craving sand interacts with age to influence age-related decline in food cravings.
Psychology & Behavior, 1-6. pdf

Hinton, L., Villalta-Gil, V., Perkins, S., Burgess, L., Benton, J., Woodward, N., Landman, B., Lahey, B., Zald, D. (2017) Latent Factors of Psychopathology and Grey Matter volume.
Biological Psychiatry, 81(10). pdf

Lahey, B.B., Class, Q.A., Zald, D.H., Rathouz, P.J., Applegate, B., Waldman, I.D. (2017) Prospective test of the development propensity model of antisocial behavior: from childhood and adolescence into early adulthood.
The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 1-8. pdf

Lahey, B.B., Kruger, R.F., Rathouz, P.J., Waldman, I.D., Zald, D.H. (2017) A hierarchical causal taxonomy of psychopathology across the life span.
Psychological Bulletin, 143(2), 142-86. pdf

Lahey, B.B., Kruger, R.F., Rathouz, P.J., Waldman, I.D., Zald, D.H. (2017) Validity and utility of the general factor of psychopathology.
World Psychiatry, 16(2), 142-22. pdf

Lahey, B.B., Zald, D.H., Perkins, S.F., Villalta-Gil, V. Werts, K.B., Van Hulle, C.A., Rathouz, P.J., Applegate, B., Class, Q.A., Poore, H.E., Watts, A.L., Waldman, I.D. (2017) Measuring the hierarchical general factor model of psychopathology in young adults.
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 27, 1-9. pdf

Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Castrellon, J.J., Perkins, S.F., Cowan, R.L., Newhouse, P.A., Zald, D.H. (2017) Spontaneous Eye Blink Rate (EBR) is Uncorrelated with Dopamine D2 Receptor Availability and Unmodulated by Dopamine Agonism in Healthy Adults.
eNeuro, 4(5), 1-11. pdf

Smith, C.T., Crawford, J.L., Dang, L.C., Seaman, K.L., San Juan, M.D., Vijay, A., Katz, D.T., Matuskey, D., Cowan, R.L., Morris, E.D., Zald, D.H., Samanez-Larkin, G.R. (2017) Partial-volume correction increases estimated dopamine D2-like receptor binding potential and reduces adult age differences.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 1-12. pdf

Villalta-Gil, V., Hinton, K.E., Landman, B.A., Yvernault, B.C., Perkins, S.F., Katsantonis, Al.S., Sellani, C.L., Lahey, B.B., Zald, D.H. (2017) Convergent individual differences in visual cortices, but not the amygdala across standard amygdala fMRI probe tasks.
NeuroImage, 146(1), 312-19. pdf

Zald, D.H., Lahey, B.B. (2017) Implications of the Hierarchical Structure of Psychopathology in Psychiatric Neuroimaging.
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2(4), 310-17. pdf

Zald, D.H., Treadway, M.T. (2017) Reward Processing, Neuroeconomics, and Psychopathology.
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 13, 471-95. pdf


Choisdelbha A.N., Piech, R.M., Fuller, J.K., Zald, D.H. (2017) Reaching back: the relative strength of the retroactive emotional attentional blink. Scientific Reports, 7, 1-9. pdf

Claassen, D.O., Dobolyo, D.G., Isaacs, D.A., Roman, O.C., Herb, J., Wylie, S.A., Neimat, J.S., Donahue, M.J., Hedera, P., Zald, D.H., Landman, B.A., Bowman, A.B., Dawant, B.M., Rane, S. (2016) Linear and Curvilinear Trajectories of Cortical Loss with Advancing Age and Disease Duration in Parkinson’s Disease. Aging and Disease, 7(5). pdf

Claasen, D.O., McDonnell, K.E., Donahue, M., Rawal, S., Wylie, S.A., Neimat, J.S., Kang, H., Hedera, P., Zald, D., Landman, B., Dawant, B., Rane, S. (2016) Cortical asymmetry in Parkinson’s disease: early susceptibility of the left hemisphere. Brain and Behavior, 6(12), 1-10. pdf

Dang, L.C., Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Castrellon, J.J., Perkins, S.F., Cowan, R.L., Zald, D.H. (2016) Associations between dopamine D2 receptor availability and BMI depend on age. NeuroImage. pdf

Dang, L.C., Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Young, J.S., Cowan, R.L., Kessler, R.M., Zald, D.H. (2016) Caudate asymmetry is related to attentional impulsivity and an objective measure of ADHD-like attentional problems in healthy adults. Brain Structure and Function, 221(1), 277-86. pdf

Seaman, K.L., Garlic, M.A., Vekaria, K.M., Hsu, M., Zald, D.H., Samanez-Larkin, G.R. (2016) Adult age differences in decision making across domains: Increased discounting of health-related rewards. Psychology and Aging, 31(7), 737-46). pdf

Smith, C.T., Weafer, J., Cowan, R.L., Kessler, R.M., Palmer, A.A., de Wit, H., Zald, D.H. (2016) Individual differences in timing of peak positive subjective responses to d-amphetamine: Relationship to pharmacokinetics and physiology. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 30(4), 330-43. pdf

Smith, C.T., Dang L.C., Cowan, R.L., Kessler, R.M., Zald, D.H. (2016) Variability in paralimbic dopamine signaling correlates with subjective responses to d-amphetamine. Neuropharmacology, 108, 394-402. pdf

Herb, J.N., Rane, S., Isaacs, D.A., Van Wouwe, N., Roman, O.C., Landman, B.A., Dawant, B.M., Hedera, P., Zald, D.H., Neimat, J.S., Wylie, S.A., Donahue, M.J., Claassen, D.O. (2016) Cortical Implications of Advancing Age and Disease Duration in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Postural Instability and Gait Dysfunction. Journal of Parkinson's Disease, 6(2), 441-51.


Claassen, D., Joshua, H., Isaacs, D., Roman, O., Hedera, P., Benoit, D., Landman, B., Zald, D. Neimat, J., Donahue, M., Wylie, S., Rane, S. (2015) Cortical Distinctions in Parkinson Disease patients with Predominant Gait Dysfunction.
Neurology, 84(14), P6.084.

Buckholtz, J.W., Martin, J.W., Treadway, M.T., Jan, K., Zald, D.H., Jones, O. Marois, R. (2015) From Blame to Punishment: Disrupting Prefrontal Cortex Activity Reveals Norm Enforcement Mechanisms.
Neuron, 87(6), 1369-80. pdf

Singh, M., Zald, D.H. (2015) A simple transfer function for nonlinear dendritic integration.
Computational Neuroscience, 9, 98. pdf

Salimpoor, V.N., Zald, D.H., Zatorre, R.J., Dagher, A., McIntosh, A.R. (2015) Predictions and the brain: how musical sounds become rewarding.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(2), 86-91. pdf

Treadway, M.T., Peterman, J.S., Zald, D.H., Park, S. (2015) Impaired effort allocation in patients with schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia Research, 161(2-3), 382-5. pdf

Zald, D.H. (2015) Emotion and Mood.
Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology, 607-12. pdf


Weiland, B.J., Heitzeg, M.M., Zald, D., Cummiford, C., Love, T., Zucker, R. A., Zubieta, J.K. (2014) Relationship between impulsivity, prefrontal anticipatory activation, and striatal dopamine release during rewarded task performance. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 233(3), 244-52. pdf

Tramonta, M.G., Cowan, R.L., Zald, D., Prokopa, J.W., Guillamondeguic, O. (2014) Traumatic brain injury-related attention deficits: Treatment outcomes with lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (Vyvanse). Brain Injury, 28(11), 1461-72. pdf

Benningfield M., Blackford, J.U., Ellsworth, M.E., Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Martin, P.R., Cowan, R.L., Zald, D.H. (2014) Caudate responses to reward anticipation associated with delay discounting behavior in healthy youth. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 7, 43-52. pdf

Savage, S.W., Zald, D.H., Cowan, R. L., Volkow, N.D. Marks-Shulman P., Kessler, R.M., Abumrad, N.N., Dunn J. P. (2014) Regulation of novelty seeking by midbrain dopamine D2/D3 signaling and ghrelin are altered in obesity. Obesity, 22(6), 1452-7. pdf

Kessler, R., Zald, D., Ansari, M.S., Li, R., Cowan, R. (2014) Changes in dopamine release  and dopamine D2/3 receptor levels with the development of mild obesity. Synapse, 68, 317-20. pdf

Lahey, B.B., Zald, D.H., Hakes, J.K, Krueger, R.F., Rathouz, P.J. (2014) Patterns of heterotypic continuity recapitulate the cross-sectional correlational structure of prevalent mental disorders in adults. JAMA Psychiatry, 71(9), 989-96. pdf

Kessler, R.M., Seibyl, J.S., Cowan, R.L., Zald, D.H. Young, J., Ansari, M.S., Stabin, M. (in press). Radiation dosimetry of [18F]FPEB in humans. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 55, 1119-21. pdf

Zald, D. H., McHugo, M., Ray, K. L., Glahn, D. C., Eickhoff, S. B., Laird, A. R. (2014) Meta-analytic connectivity modeling reveals differential functional connectivity of the medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 24, 232-48. pdf


Edmiston E.K., McHugo M., Smith, S.D., Abou-Khalil, B., Zald, D.H. (2013) Enhanced visual cortical activation for emotional stimuli is preserved in patients with unilateral amygdala resection. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 11023-31. pdf

Treadway, M. T., Zald, D. H. (2013) Parsing Anhedonia Translational Models of Reward-Processing Deficits in Psychopathology. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(3), 244-49. pdf

Barry, R. L., Coaster, M., Rogers, B. P., Newton, A. T., Moore, J. Anderson, A. W., Zald, D. H., Gore, J. C. (2013) On the Origins of Signal Variance in FMRI of the Human Midbrain at High Field. PLOS-ONE, 8(4), e62708. pdf

Olatunji, B. O., Armstrong, T., McHugo, M., Zald, D. H. (2013) Heightened Attentional Capture by Threat in Veterans With PTSD. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 122(2), 397-405. pdf

Treadway, M. T., Buckholtz, J. W., Zald, D. H. (2013) Perceived stress predicts altered reward and loss feedback processing in medial prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(180). pdf

McHugo, M., Olatunji, B. O., Zald, D. H. (2013) The emotional attentional blink: what we know so far. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7(151). pdf


Samanez-Larkin, G. R., Buckholtz, J. W., Cowan, R. L., Woodward, N. D., Li, R., Ansari, M. S., Arrington, C. M., Baldwin, R. M., Smith, C. E., Treadway, M. T., Kessler, R. M., Zald, D. H. (2012) A Thalamocorticostriatal Dopamine Network for Psychostimulant-Enhanced Human Cognitive Flexibility. Biological Psychiatry, 74(2), 99-105. pdf

Essex, B. G., Clinton, S. A., Wonderley, L. R., Zald, D. H. (2012) The impact of the posterior parietal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices on the optimization of long-term versus immediate value. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32(44), 15403-13. pdf

Treadway, M. T., Bossaller, N. A., Shelton, R. C., Zald, D. H. (2012) Effort-based decision-making in major depressive disorder: A translational model of motivational anhedonia. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121(3), 553-58. pdf

Lahey, B. B., Applegate, A., Hakes, J. K., Zald, D. H., Hariri, A. R., Rathouz, P. J. (2012) Is there a general factor of prevalent psychopathology during adulthood? Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 121(4), 971-77. pdf

Davis, F. C., Knodt, A. R., Sporns, O., Lahey, B. B., Zald, D. H., Brigidi, B. D., Hariri, A. R. (2012) Impulsivity and the modular organization of resting-state neural networks. Cerebral Cortex. [Epub ahead of print] pdf

Zald, D. H., Zatorre, R. J., Gottfried, J. A., editor. Music: Neurobiology of Sensation and Reward. Frontiers in Neuroscience. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 2011. Chapter 19. Amazon

Treadway, M. T., Buckholtz, J. W., Cowan, R. L., Woodward, N. D., Li, R., Ansari, M. S., Baldwin, R. M., Schwartzman, A. N., Kessler, R. M., Zald, D. H. (2012) Dopaminergic mechanisms of individual differences in human effort-based decision-making. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(18), 6170-76. pdf

Lahey, B. B, McNealy, K., Knodt, A., Zald, D. H., Sporns, O., Manuck, S. B., Flory, J. D., Applegate, B., Rathouz, P. J., Hariri, A. R. (2012) Using confirmatory factor analysis to measure contemporaneous activation of defined neuronal networks in functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroimage, 60(4), 1982-91. pdf

Ray, R. D., Zald, D. H. (2012) Anatomical insights into the interaction of emotion and cognition in the prefrontal cortex. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 36(1), 479-501. pdf


Stice, E., Yokum, S., Zald, D., Dagher, A. (2011) Dopamine-based reward circuitry responsivity, genetics, and overeating. Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience 6, 81-93. pdf

Coaster, M., Rogers, B. P., Jones, O. D., Viscussi, K. W., Merkle, K., Zald, D. H., Gore, J. C. (2011) Variables influencing the neural correlates of perceived risk of physical harm. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 11(4), 494-507. pdf

Olatunji, B. O., Ciesielski, B., Zald, D. (2011) A selective impairment in attentional disengagement from erotica in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 35(8), 1977-82. pdf

Armstrong, T., Zald, D. H., Olatunji, O. (2011) Attentional control in OCD and GAD: Specificity and associations with core cognitive symptoms. Behavior Research and Therapy, 49(11), 756-62. pdf

Wardle, M. C., Treadway, M. T., Mayo, L. M., Zald, D. H., de Wit, H. (2011) Amping up effort: Effects of d-Ampetamine on human effort-based decision-making. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(46), 16597-602. pdf

Blackford, J. U., Avery, S. N., Cowan, R. L., Shelton, R. C., Zald, D. H. (2011) Sustained amygdala response to both novel and newly familiar faces characterizes inhibited temperament. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6(5), 621-29. pdf

Piech, R., McHugo, M., Smith, S. S., Dukic, S., Van Der Meer, J., Most, S., Zald, D. H. (2011) Attentional capture in emotional stimuli is preserved in patients with amygdala lesions. Neuropsychologia, 49(12), 3314-19. pdf

Essex, B., Lejuez, C.W., Qian, R.Y., Bernstein, K., Zald, D.H. (2011) The Balloon Analog Insurance Task (BAIT): A behavioral measure of protective risk management. PLOS-ONE, 6(6), e21448. pdf

Olatunji, B.O., Ciesielski, B., Armstrong, T., Zald, D. (2011) Making something out of nothing: Neutral content modulates attention in generalized anxiety disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 28(5), 427-34. pdf

Eapen, M., Zald, D. H., Gatenby, J. C., Ding, Z., Gore, J. C. (2011) Using high-resolution MR imaging at 7T to evaluate the anatomy of the midbrain dopaminergic system. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 32(4), 688-94. pdf

Woodward, N. D., Cowan, R. L., Park, S., Ansari, M. S., Baldwin, R. M., Li, R., Doop, M., Kessler, R. M., Zald, D. H. (2011) Correlation of individual differences in schizotypal personality traits with amphetamine-induced dopamine release in striatal and extrastriatal brain regions. American Journal of Psychiatry, 168(4), 418-26. pdf

Treadway, M. T., Zald, D. H. (2011) Reconsidering anhedonia in depression: Lessons from translational neuroscience. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 35(3), 537-55. pdf


Ciesielski, B. G., Armstrong, T., Zald, D. H., Olatunji, B. O. (2010) Emotion modulation of visual attention: categorical and temporal characteristics. PLoS One, 5(11), e13860. pdf

Zald, D. H., Andreotti, C. (2010) Neuropsychological assessment of the orbital and ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Neuropsychologia, 48(12), 3377-91. pdf

Buckholtz, J. W., Treadway, M. T., Cowan, R. L., Woodward, N. D., Li, R., Ansari, M. S., Baldwin, R. M., Schwartzman, A. N., Shelby, E. S., Smith, C. E., Kessler, R. M., Zald, D. H. (2010) Dopaminergic network differences in human impulsivity. Science, 329, 532. pdf

Piech, R. M., McHugo, M., Smith, S. D., Dukic, M. S., Van Der Meer, J., Abou-Khalil, B., Zald, D. H. (2010) Fear-enhanced visual search persists after amygdala lesions. Neuropsychologia, 48(12), 3430-35. pdf

Buckholtz, J. W., Treadway, M. T., Cowan, R. L., Woodward, N. D., Benning, S. D., Li, R., Ansari, M. S., Baldwin, R. M., Schwartzman, A. N., Shelby, E. S., Smith, C. E., Cole, D., Kessler, R. M., Zald, D. H. (2010) Mesolimbic dopamine reward system hypersensitivity in individuals with psychopathic traits. Nature Neuroscience. 13(4), 419-21. pdf

Zald, D. H., Woodward, N. D., Cowan, R. L., Riccardi, P., Ansari, M. S., Baldwin, R. M., Cowan, R. L., Smith, C. E., Hakyemez, H., Li, R., Kessler, R. M. (2010) The interrelationship of dopamine D2-like receptor availability in striatal and extrastriatal brain regions in healthy humans: a principal component analysis of [18F]fallypride binding. NeuroImage, 51(1), 53-62. pdf

Blackford, J. U., Buckholtz, J. W., Avery, S. N., Zald, D. H. (2010) A unique role for the human amygdala in novelty detection. NeuroImage, 50(3), 1188-93. pdf

Piech, R. M., Pastorino, M. T., Zald, D. H. (2010) All I saw was the cake. Hunger effects on attentional capture by visual food cues. Appetite, 54(3), 579-82. pdf


Blackford, J. U., Avery, S. N., Shelton, R. C., Zald, D. H. (2009) Amygdala temporal dynamics: temperamental differences in the timing of amygdala response to familiar and novel faces. BMC Neuroscience, 10, 145. pdf

Zald, D. H. (2009) Orbitofrontal cortex contributions to food selection and decision making. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 38 Suppl 1, S18-24. pdf

Treadway, M. T, Buckholtz, J. W., Schwartzman, A. N., Lambert, W. E., Zald, D. H. (2009) Worth the 'EEfRT'? The effort expenditure for rewards task as an objective measure of motivation and anhedonia. PLoS One, 4(8), e6598. pdf

Woodward, N. D., Zald, D. H., Ding, Z., Riccardi, P., Ansari, M. S., Baldwin, R. M., Cowan, R. L., Li, R., Kessler, R. M. (2009) Cerebral morphology and dopamine D2/D3 receptor distribution in humans: a combined [18F]fallypride and voxel-based morphometry study. NeuroImage, 46(1), 31-38. pdf

Stice, E., Spoor, S., Ng, J., Zald, D. H. (2009) Relation of obesity to consummatory and anticipatory food reward. Physiology & Behavior, 97(5), 551-60. pdf

Tomarken, A. J., Zald, D. H. (2009) Conceptual, methodological, and empirical ambiguities in the linkage between anger and approach: comment on Carver and Harmon-Jones (2009). Psychological Bulletin, 135(2), 209-14; discussion 215-17. pdf

Kessler, R. M., Woodward, N. D., Riccardi, P., Li, R., Ansari, M. S., Anderson, S., Dawant, B., Zald, D. H., Meltzer, H. Y. (2009) Dopamine D2 receptor levels in striatum, thalamus, substantia nigra, limbic regions, and cortex in schizophrenic subjects. Biological Psychiatry, 65(12), 1024-31. pdf


Zald, D. H., Cowan, R. L., Riccardi, P., Baldwin, R. M., Ansari, M. S., Li, R., Shelby, E. S., Smith, C. E., McHugo, M., Kessler, R. M. (2008) Midbrain dopamine receptor availability is inversely associated with novelty-seeking traits in humans. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(53), 14372-8. pdf

Buckholtz, J. W., Asplund, C. L., Dux, P. E., Zald, D. H., Gore, J. C., Jones, O. D., Marois, R. (2008) The neural correlates of third-party punishment. Neuron, 60(5), 930-40. pdf

Smith, S. D., Abou-Khalil, B., Zald, D. H. (2008) Posttraumatic stress disorder in a patient with no left amygdala. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117(2), 479-84. pdf

Hakyemez, H. S., Dagher, A., Smith, S. D., Zald, D. H. (2008) Striatal dopamine transmission in healthy humans during a passive monetary reward task. NeuroImage, 39(4), 2058-65. pdf

Lishner, D., Cooter, A. B., Zald, D. H. (2008). Addressing measurement limitations in affective rating scales: Development of an empirical valence scale. Cognition and Emotion, 22(1), 180–92. pdf


Yang, E., Zald, D. H., Blake, R. (2007) Fearful expressions gain preferential access to awareness during continuous flash suppression. Emotion, 7(4), 882-86. pdf

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